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What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social and Emotional Learning helps students understand and manage their emotions, behavior and relationships with others, which are skills they need to have the best chance for success in school and life. SEL teaches strategies that extend beyond the classroom and acknowledges the student as a whole as they navigate the world.

How Can it Benefit Your Child?

Your child will benefit by engaging in the 5 core competencies of SEL, which include:  

What tools will your child walk away with to take on life skills?

Our emotions and relationships affect how and what we learn. Emotions can enable us to generate an active interest and sustain our engagement in learning. Studies confirm SEL benefits include reductions in child aggression, substance abuse, delinquency, and violence; lower levels of depression and anxiety; and increased grades, attendance, and performance in core academic subjects.

How will YOUR child be able to navigate the world around them more by taking an SEL course?

Your child will be able to navigate the world more with a greater sense of self and emotional regulation. Your child will be more self-aware, socially aware, learn to make responsible decisions, use skills necessary to establish appropriate relationships, and exercise adequate self-management (controlling and expressing emotions properly, especially when presented with difficult tasks and situations).

What is the Goal of SEL?

The goal of SEL is for students to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

Curriculums We Use

Join the exciting journey of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) with Crew Kids! Enroll today to embark on a wonderful adventure of self-discovery, emotional intelligence, and meaningful connections. At Crew Kids, we believe that understanding and managing emotions are essential life skills that empower children to navigate the world with confidence and empathy.

Through engaging activities, interactive workshops, and creative projects, our program is designed to nurture your child’s social and emotional growth. From building strong relationships to developing resilience and effective communication, Crew Kids is your partner in shaping well-rounded individuals who thrive both academically and emotionally.

Learning to Breathe

A mindfulness curriculum for adolescents to cultivate emotional regulation, attention, and performance.

Social Stories

Social Stories was developed for children with developmental delays or ASD, they are a useful tool for illustrating complex processes simply and clearly to any child. It is a supplemental and intensive intervention used in grades K-12.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

An intensive mindfulness training to assist people with stress, anxiety, depression and pain. MBSR uses a combination of mindfulness meditation, body awareness, yoga and exploration of patterns of behavior, thinking, feeling and action.

Self Monitoring

An intervention where a student will learn to measure their own target behavior (s). Progress will be compared to an external standard or goal. It can result in lasting improvements to behavior.